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Valor Leadership Coaching

From Good Leaders to Great Leaders

When you invest in their skills and development, your leaders thrive – and so does your organization. Inspire and motivate your teams to create a lasting and sustainable impact with Valor coaching.

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The principals of high performance are universal

To perform at their best in a dynamic, ever-changing work environment, leaders need the necessary techniques and tools to evolve along with their organization and achieve their goals. 

Whether you’re focused on increasing confidence, creating performance routines, learning how to motivate a team under pressure, or improving your coaching skills, you’ll get expert advice that is tailored to you, and customized based on your unique needs and challenges combined with your organization's goals and competencies.

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Create a community of high performers

Fuel the mindsets, skills and behaviors that create a contagious community of high performance, leadership, and development.

Multiply productivity

Every good coach has a coach. Leadership development coaching is the best way to multiply productivity and increase job satisfaction for a lasting impact.  

Strengthen adaptability

By providing an expert, outside perspective, we coach leaders on how to fulfill ever-changing job roles, use all of the resources at their disposal, use the skills they already have to maximize performance, and do the best job possible of leading their team..


83% of participants reported improved ability to stay calm during chaos & pressure as a result of Valor. 


98% of participants report Valor positively impacted their ability to perform at work.


85% of leaders report improved performance and effectiveness at work following Valor.

An innovative approach that delivers consistent results

With our one-on-one leadership training and extensive courses, executive coaching is both affordable and scalable. To ensure alignment with individual and organizational goals and competencies, we deliver analytics, metrics, and benchmarks, so you can successfully track progress while working with Valor Coaching.
Best of all, Valor teachings and sessions are designed for the busy leader and work to cater to the busiest of schedules. 
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High Performers & High Potentials

Employees who are leading themselves, innovating processes, and show potential for growth throughout your organization. 

Front Line Managers


Those leading one or more direct reports working with frontline workers to foster productivity and operational efficiency, and ensure product quality.

Senior Leadership


Anyone leading a team, department, or division up to top-level executives of the entire organization.

Everything leaders need, all in one place

Our Comprehensive Digital Platform hosts everything leaders need, all in one place, including self assessments, ongoing self-directed learning, and access to their strategically matched Valor Coach. 
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"Anybody with sales skills can help sales reps hit numbers and close deals, but going a bit further beyond that and helping people actually grow their career, helping other people move into a management track and maybe avoid some of the mistakes that I made on my way up – that to me is a better measure of success than just quote attainment and the numbers that your team is hitting." 

Virtual Webinar  Sept 6  2pm ET

Pratik "Tiki" Baswal
Principal Sales Manager | Hubspot

"Valor has been one of the most successful programs that we’ve rolled out."

Virtual Webinar  Sept 6  2pm ET (2)

Adam Alfono
SVP of Manufacturing | Salesforce

"Valor helped me better understand who I am as an employee and what my goals are. By having really in-depth conversations about these themes and completing thought provoking exercises I not only was able to increase my mental bandwidth and capacity to be higher functioning at work, but I also have been able to improve my skills with stakeholder management, coaching and advocating for my team, and prioritization based on business impact."

Madison Pinckes Manager, Inbound sales strategy, Klaviyo

Madison Pinckes
Manager, Inbound sales strategy | Klaviyo

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Book a demo to hear more about Valor Coaching for Leadership Development.